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Renee Wallis

Photo of Renee Wallis

English/Social Studies/Phys. Ed

I am very proud to say that I get to come to work every day and be surrounded by amazing, talented youth!  They make me laugh and challenge me to always be better!  I am passionate about reading and being active!    Yep, I get to play during the day!  I also coach Junior Boys volleyball, and Senior High Badminton.  

I am originally from Edam, Saskatchewan and teaching in Kitscoty lets me keep the comfort of my small-town upbringing.  My husband, Mark and our two boys - Eric and William, live in Lloydminster. When we are not at school we can be found at either the rink or the gym.  Both boys are involved in sports and even though I don't want them to grow up too fast I am looking forward to them being at the high school and playing school sports! 

Hope to see you this school year!